Our Instructors

Paresh Amin

Paresh enlisted in the US Navy as a corpsman with a BUD/S (SEAL) contract in 2004 after receiving his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arizona. Paresh went to BUD/S and subsequently sustained a training ending shoulder injury. After recovering from surgery, he was assigned to 1st Marine Division Camp Pendleton, CA. There he served with the Infantry and 1st Reconnaissance battalion as a Corpsman. Once his enlistment with the Navy was completed in 2009, Paresh lateral transferred to the US Army to become a US Army Special Forces Solider. Successful completion of the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) in 2011, earned him the Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) 18D, Special Forces Medical Sergeant assigning him to 3rd Special Forces Group (3rd SFG) Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Paresh spent 4 years serving on 2 Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) teams. In 2015 Paresh volunteered for assessment and selection into a Special Mission unit in Fort Bragg. After selection he successfully completed the Assault Medic Course (AMC) and Operator Training Course (OTC). Paresh served as an Assault Medic in two Sabre Squadrons and the Counter-Proliferation Squadron. He was Honorably Discharged from the Armed Services in 2020.

Paresh’s schools include: Basic Reconnaissance Course, Advanced Scout Swimmer Course, Basic and Advanced Maritime Insertion Course, Maritime Special Interdiction School, Operational Emergency Medicine School, Basic Airborne Course, Marine Combat Diver, Special Forces Assessment and Selection, Special Forces Qualification Course, Special Forces Medical Sergeants Course (18D), Military Free Fall, Advanced Military Free Fall, Advanced Special Operations Level 2 and 3, Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat (SFAUC), Special Forces Sniper Course (SFSC), Special Forces Tactical Surveillance, Advanced Close-Target Reconnaissance, US Army Reconnaissance Surveillance Leaders Course, multiple Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape courses, Assault Medic Course (AMC), Operator training Course (OTC), Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Effects Medical Course, MAYO Clinic Austere Medicine Course and Element Rescue Basic/Advanced High Angle Rescue and Extraction. Paresh served 16 years in the Armed Forces with multiple deployments. He served overseas in South East/West and Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Africa.

Andrew Holmbo

Andrew enlisted In the US Army Reserves in 2004 assigned to a Civil Affairs Brigade in Portland, Oregon. Andrew was influenced by a professional cadre of Service Members with the desire to teach and strive to exceptionalism. Andrew quickly recognized the need for competent training and education for the men and women who volunteered for service to the Nation. In 2009 Andrew requested transfer to Active Duty with the goal of attending the US Army’s Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS). It was through this training pipeline that he met both Paresh and Devin. During the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) Andrew sustained an injury that removed him from training and sent him to Alaska and the Airborne Infantry. Within 6 months of arriving to Alaska, Andrew deployed to Afghanistan in 20011-2012. Upon redeployment to Alaska Andrew made plans to return to the Special Warfare Center and School (JFKSWCS) in Fort Bragg, NC. Correspondence with JFKSWCS required Andrew to attend SFAS again, so he trained and waited for a new class date. While waiting Andrew deployed to South East Asia in support of Regional partners training for their future deployment. Andrew attended SFAS again and received orders to attend the SFQC. During the SFQC Andrew was again disappointed with his experience and outcome, again Airborne Infantry became his home, this time at Fort Bragg, NC and with the 1st Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division. Serving with the 1st Brigade 82nd ABN DIV presented Andrew with more training and leadership opportunities. Great and otherwise leadership awaited. Andrew saw two more training deployment to Europe with NATO partners postured towards global threats, contingency’s and commemorations. In the summer of 2017 Andrew deployed to Afghanistan as part of the Theater Response Force in support of Joint Special Operations Task Force Afghanistan. Andrew Left service in the Summer of 2018 just shy of 14 years In the Army.

Education and Experience:

US Army Basic Airborne Course, Netherlands Armed Forces Aircraft Conversion Trainer Course, US Army Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Course (IED-Defeat), Joint Search/Tactical Site Exploitation Course (TSE), US Army Master Drivers Course, Special Operations Preparation Course, Special Forces Assessment and Selection x 2, 82nd ABN DIV Pre-Ranger Course (Class Leader), Basic instructor training course, Small Unit Instructor course, Inter-service Marine Corps Range Safety course, Small Arms Range Development Training course, Selected as top Weapons Squad Leader and Platoon within Brigade, Deployed as Fire Team Leader, Weapons Squad Leader and Heavy Weapons Platoon Sergeant. Andrew had 2 Combat Deployments to Afghanistan and 3 Non Combat Deployments to South East Asia and Europe.

Devin Richardson

Devin enlisted in the US Army as a Special Forces Candidate in 2009. Upon completing the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) in 2011 with the Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) 18B Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, he was assigned to 3rd Special Forces Group (3rdSFG) at Fort Bragg, NC. Devin spent 11 years in 3rd SFG on two Operational Detachment Alphas (ODAs). During his tenure with 3rd SFG, Devin served on a Dive Team and on a Tier 2 Crisis Response Force (CRF) where he served as a Cell Leader on a Reconnaissance Team. He completed 3 Combat Deployments and 1 Non-Combat Deployment. He was medically retired in 2022 from injuries sustained from 13 years of Service.

Devin’s Military Education: Special Operation Preparation Course (SOPC), Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC), Special Forces Weapons Sergeant Course, Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape school (SERE), Special Forces Advanced Target Acquisition and Exploitation Techniques Course (SFARTETC), Special Forces Combat Diver Qualification Course (SFCDQC), Special Forces Combat Diver Supervisor Course (SFCDSC), Special Operations Target Interdiction Course (SOTIC), United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Joint Armorer’s Course, US Army Basic Airborne Course, US Army Advanced Airborne Course (JumpMaster), Military FreeFall Course (MFF), US Army Advance Land Navigation Course. Devin Deployed to Afghanistan and Africa.

John SR

John enlisted in the US Navy in 1980 as an Electrican’s Mate. John was Stationed in Adak, Alaska assigned to the Naval Air Station and Naval Security Group Activity. During John’s time stationed to the Island, he conducted high angle and water rescue as a member of the Search and Recuse (SAR) Team. John left Service in 1986. In 1999 John graduated from Georgia’s Police Academy and started working for Sky Valley Georgia Police Department as a Patrol Officer until 2001 where he started his progression to higher roles and responsibilities with two Police Departments, an International Police Force and one Sheriff’s Department. John’s 18 years of experience encompassed duties as a Shift Supervisor, Equipment Officer, Training Officer, a Member of a Drug Task Force, Armory and Range Officer, a Patrol Commander for a Patrol Division and Chief Deputy appointed by the Sheriff of Rabun County Georgia. From 2005 thru 2007 John Deployed in support of United Nation (UN) Mission in Kosovo. John is an Experienced Operator working with Low/Medium/High threat principles, Lead Instructor in the Close Protection Unit (CPU) Training Team, Team Leader for the CPU Quick Response Force (QRF), Deputy Commander of the CPU and a International Police Firearms Instructor from the UN studies course.

After redeploying from Kosovo, John returned to serving his community in Law Enforcement. John served in the Rabun County Sheriff’s Office from 2009 thru 2017 where he was appointed Chief Deputy by the Sheriff. John’s responsibilities included supervision over all Training and Operational functions for the Sheriffs Office.

John’s Experience and Education: Defensive Tactics Instructor, Explosive Bomb Dog Handler Instructor, Criminal and Narcotics Investigation, Combat Medic, Sniper, Blunt Weapons Instructor, Explosives Device Instructor, Firearms Instructor encompassing NATO and Non-NATO Weapons Systems, Range Master Instructor, Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Instructor, Lead Instructor, Team Leader and Deputy Commander in CPU and Team Leader in the unit’s QRF, and International Police Instructor, Georgia State POST Certified Instructor.